Alli Tong

Hometown: Richmond, CA
Currently Resides: Richmond, CA
Skating since: 2020

After participating in almost every sport you can think of as a kid and being a competitive swimmer for 15 years, Alli has a natural passion for physical activity. She wanted to find another creative outlet during the pandemic and so once she got a pair of rollerskates for Christmas from her mom, the rest was history.

Influenced by the aggressiveness of extreme sports, Alli attacks the obstacles she skates with speed and control, always landing with purpose and sass. She loves to skate ledges, rails, and bowls.

“I’ve always been fascinated by skateboarders in the streets, by how adaptable and creative they are. Skateparks are fun for learning, but the real test is in the streets. The perseverance and aggression needed to battle the elements in the streets inspires me to push myself past my limits.” —Alli
